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Boca en Boca

BoCa En BoCa in English


BoCa En BoCa is an independent newssheet that aims to disseminate what happens in the organized communities in Chiapas. The aim is to generate solidarity among communities, through summaries or extracts of their publications transmitting their words.

To read in full detail:




BoCa En BoCa #40 * February 2016 *



BoCa En BoCa is an independent news sheet which aims to disseminate what happens in the organized communities in Chiapas. The aim is to generate solidarity among communities, through summaries or extracts from their publications transmitting their words.

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Boca en Boca No 39 December 2015 English


Due to the fact that so much has been happening in Chiapas, the English version of the news sheet Boca en Boca has not yet been published. As we know that many people like to keep up with the Chiapas news in English, we are publishing the translated items now.





Boca En Boca No 39 December 2015 English 


25/10- Members of the OCEZ-FNLS from the ejido El Carrizal, Ocosingo, continue to be threatened and under a military-police and paramilitary siege.

28/10- The community of Primero de Agosto reaffirms its determination in the fight for the land and denounces several threats of eviction by the CIOAC-H.

29/10- Acala protests: “over the death in custody and torture of Jose Rolando, 1 year and 8 months ago, we continue demanding justice and truth.”

29/10- Displaced families from Banavil return home for four days in order to remember the young girl Antonia Lopez Mendez.

30/10- Residents of Tapachula denounce the CFE and are in solidarity with Chicoasén ejidatarios.

31/10- Prisoners remember their dead.

03/11- The Pueblo Creyente from Simojovel continue organizing against the terrible government system, political and economic.

09/11- Due to the failure of the CFE to repair a high voltage cable, Fabian Ramos Toledo dies in Boca del Cielo, Tonalá.

09/11- Residents of Nueva Esperanza, Tila, members of Laklumal Ixim-Norte Selva, demand justice for the death of their compañero Toni Reynaldo Gutiérrez López.

18/11- Coffee-growers protest about the crisis caused by [coffee] rust.

18/11- 15 regions of Luz y Fuerza call for unity against the federal government, and to organize a united front.

20/11- Adherents to the Sixth from San Sebastian Bachajón remember their dead and their unjustly imprisoned prisoners.

20/11- Indigenous from the community Chuchucruz II, Tumbalá, denounce searches of homes without warrant or reason.

21/11- the 70 families from the ejido Nueva Esperanza, Chicomuselo, displaced by paramilitaries 19 days ago, remain seriously threatened.

23/11- The refuge hostel for migrants La 72 reports several acts of violence against women and migrant groups, amounting to extortion and death threats to members of their team.



24/10- Prisoners unjustly imprisoned in CERESO 5 write to Alejandro Diaz for his 35th birthday.

07/11- Las Abejas of Acteal remember Manuelito, guardian of memory, 3 years after his death.

14/11- The families displaced from Banavil are walking different paths “in order to one day get justice and truth.” 



Chicoasen struggles for its land

At the launch of their a hunger strike on 03/11, ejidatarios of Chicoasen explained: “it’s due to the unfair imprisonment of one of our lawyers who was taking legal action over the construction of the hydroelectric dam ‘Chicoasen II’, and there are also arrest warrants against the other lawyers as well as grassroots ejido members “.

On 06/11 they reported: “We are being prosecuted by the State Government, in a lawsuit filed by the Attorney of the CFE. Currently our lawyer is being held in the CERSS 14 and there are arrest warrants against us […] the criminal complaint contains irregularities such as the fact that the CFE witnesses are its own people. ”

On 11/11 they reported the end of the hunger strike because of the poor state of health of the participants. “We will go to international organizations in order to seek preventive measures to ensure respect for the life and physical integrity of the ejido members, who are elderly people, and respect for our other fundamental rights.”



Las Abejas denounce the Visit by the Governor

On 22/11, Las Abejas of Acteal reported: “Today we denounce publicly and before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights that the Mexican State through the “governor”, came to Acteal on 13/11 to the PRI and Green community to distribute lambs, chemical fertilizers [etc.]. Obviously, those who received these goodies are: [party members] and various paramilitary perpetrators of the Acteal massacre who have been released.” They view that act as manipulation and government strategy. “The state cannot deny that the purpose of the “governor’s” visit to the PRI area of Acteal is to promote amnesia, deny the truth and abort the process of justice in relation to the massacre of Acteal” on top of the events of 20/10 at the public hearing of the Commission.

For the organization: “The visit of the [governor] is a strategy or trick to control the people who let themselves be fooled. For example Velasco’s lambs are to shut people’s mouths, block their ears, and cover their eyes. It’s like when a child is crying and is tricked into being quiet with a sweet.”

Finally they invited people to commemorate the 18th anniversary of the Acteal massacre on 21 and 22/12.


20/11 TILA

Tila: military, police and paramilitary operation

Comp@s adherents of the Sixth in ejido Tila reported on 20/11 “the mayor requested the police forces, including military ministerial and state [police] and so we are being intimidated […]; these forces are circulating within the ejido.” Note that soldiers and police cannot circulate without the consent of the ejido assembly, so their entry was refused because “the police forces all over the country are the same murderers who conceal paramilitaries or carry out summary executions as well as having a relationship with organized crime.”

They related the facts: “On 18/11 a van came in with judicial police patrolling the streets with municipal police; then a truck belonging to paramilitary groups, loaded with stones, machetes and sticks. On 19/11 a car of the sectorial police entered, and a military convoy patrolling the whole town and 2 municipal police patrols. Finally they carried out operations to surround the town and the soldiers set up checkpoints on the approach roads.”

They denounced “the fake commissioners appointed by the state government, the idea of the Agrarian Attorney’s office in Palenque”.



Water cut off in Zinacantan

Residents of the autonomous municipality Vicente Guerrero, Zinacantan, reported that “on 03/11 a group of people, members of the PRI and of the Protestant religions, as well as the CFE, went to the homes of 4 families and intimidated the women and children with bad language […]; the acts committed were cutting off water and electricity supplies, as well as the communication networks.”

“The reason for doing this [such cuts] is purely for being adherents to the Other Campaign of the EZLN”.



Central American mothers searching for their missing migrant children

The Mesoamerican Migrant Movement announced the “11th Caravan of Central American mothers looking for their children who disappeared in transit through Mexico,” starting this 30/11 and ending with the celebration of International Migrants’ Day on 18/12 in Tapachula, commemorating the “Day of Global Action against racism and for the rights and dignity of migrants, refugees, and displaced people.” They will be passing through Arriaga from 13/12. They stated the objectives of this caravan: “the work of 2015 is marked by the current phenomenon of forced displacement generated by criminal violence, which is the “collateral damage” of the militarised war against organised crime that feeds violence of such magnitude that it obliges people to leave their places of origin by force. When fleeing their countries, they run into a Mexico which has become an insurmountable containment barrier that prevents the displaced people from reaching their destination.” They invited people to participate in the caravan to give it visibility and to put pressure on the authorities.


Going for a new Constituent Assembly

On 6/12, more than 30,000 participants are expected at a rally in San Cristobal de Las Casas. The movement of the Citizen-Popular Constituent Assembly is justified by “the prolonged economic crisis, scandalous social inequality, a corrupt political class of traitors, an inoperative justice system in collusion with the rich and with organized crime, alarming insecurity, shameful corruption, ranging from the President of the Republic to the police, judges and public officials.”

Consequently: “No solution can be expected through established political and legislative channels. From below, we have to create a new social pact, establish the principles and foundations of a new political, economic and social order, more just and fraternal towards people and more harmonious with Mother Earth. It is necessary to draft a NEW CONSTITUTION, made by the People and for the People.”,



The Massacre of Viejo Velasco is not forgotten!

On 13/11 several national and international organizations signed a document denouncing the impunity in this case: “Nine years after the massacre of our indigenous Tzeltal and Chol brothers, we have not found justice; the government has not punished the guilty and there is no effective or efficient investigation against those who planned it or the actual perpetrators. The bad government has not sought and therefore has not traced the whereabouts of our brothers who remain forcibly disappeared. We have not seen the government cancel the arrest warrants against 5 people who supported the victims of the Massacre of Viejo Velasco and since then have been accused of killing their own relatives or compas.”

They recalled that “instead of granting legal security over our lands the bad government sent 7 of our brothers to the grave, displaced another 36 by force and another 2 of our elders are still missing.”

Finally they announced: “by agreement of the assembly of our organization Xinich, we will begin a period of prayer and fasting in each of our communities at dawn on 13/11, which will last for 13 Sundays”


Massive mobilisation of the Pueblo Creyente (Believing People)

On 25/11, indigenous people from the Movement in Defence of Life and Territory -MODEVITE- and from the Pueblo Creyente of 11 parishes marched peacefully to remember to care for Mother Earth against the threat of mega-projects, to stop the sale of alcoholic drinks and drugs as well as prostitution in the towns and to denounce the ineptitude and corruption of the authorities.

They recalled on 25/11 “we want to unite with our mothers, daughters and sisters who have been beaten physically and psychologically, excluded, exploited, abused, raped and discriminated against”.

They announced: “We are also on pilgrimage in solidarity with the more than one hundred thousand victims of organised crime and particularly with the families of the 43 disappeared people of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero; and with the victims of Acteal.”


Chiapas women organise

On 23 and 24/11, there was a gathering of different compas from the Women’s Movement in Defence of Land and Territory and for the Women’s Right to Decide. The movement “declared itself in its first assembly in favour of social ownership of property, against all forms of privatisation of land and territory and denounced the energy reform and its continuation in the strategic reform of the countryside.” After “analysing the scenario which is being cooked up based on the structural reform of the countryside proposed by the government.”

They agreed to “fight against all forms of violence against women and indigenous peoples, campesinas, especially given the land grabs and looting of the territory promoted by government policies. We denounce and reject the intention of abolishing social property contained in the proposed structural reforms of the countryside, which would destroy the autonomy of communities, as well as their forms of organisation, ways of life and community culture. Likewise we denounce the government programmes that have brought us into the capitalist dynamics of debt, and at the same time have generated greater dependence.”

They decided to “fight against divisionism to achieve community unity for a real defence of life” and “to develop work in ejidos, communities and organisations because they are the base of the movement.”

The movement announced its adherence to the National Campaign in Defence of Land and Territory, the Mexican Movement of People Affected by Dams and in Defence of Rivers (MAPDER), and the National Citizen-Popular Constituent Assembly.




BoCa En BoCa No 38 *English* November 2015



BoCa En BoCa is an independent news sheet that aims to disseminate what happens in the organized communities in Chiapas. The aim is to generate solidarity among communities, through summaries or extracts of their publications transmitting their words.

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BoCa En BoCa #37 English October 2015

BoCa En BoCa is an independent news sheet that aims to disseminate what happens in the organized communities in Chiapas. The aim is to generate solidarity among communities, through summaries or extracts of their publications transmitting their words.

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BoCa En BoCa #36- September 2015

BoCa En BoCa is an independent newssheet that aims to disseminate what happens in the organized communities in Chiapas. The aim is to generate solidarity among communities, through summaries or extracts of their publications transmitting their words.

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BoCa En BoCa #35 August 2015 English


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BoCa En BoCa #35 August 2015 English


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BoCa En BoCa #33 – English- June 2015










BoCa En BoCa #32 – English- May 2015 –








BoCa En BoCa #31 English







Boca En Boca No.30, March 2015



Power to the people can only be put into practice when the power exercised by social elites is dissolved into the people”.

Murray Bookchin (US Anarchist)

As stated by Bookchin, the inspiration of the Kurdistan struggle, power to the people must come from the people themselves. What we all know and understand [about power] is that it is not by asking for it, demanding it or claiming it from the government or the social elites, that we will get it but instead we must take it ourselves. In order to do so, there are various ways, among them those taken up through resistance and civil disobedience by various struggles and initiatives, such as the Civil Society Las Abejas, the Popular Constituent Citizen [Assembly], the Zapatista movement and others.

Due to the diverse forms of repression, deepening and often reaching collectives and individuals on a daily basis, various groups of people reassert and strengthen their convictions in their struggle for freedom, justice and dignity.

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So we hear from the Pueblo Creyente of Simojovel [PCS], when they mobilize with dignity against corruption and monopoly; also we hear from the inhabitants of Pantelhó protesting against mining that only brings death for the benefit of the elites; or from the Women of Acteal, and from elsewhere, when they organize themselves against exclusion and dispossession; or from Candelaria el Alto fighting for respect for the way they organize to defend their lands. The People of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, when they get angry about the mismanagement and corruption in their institutions, angry at seeing the not so natural environmental disasters happening in their lands. The people of Bachajón, exercising justice by guarding their natural resources for their free will and enjoyment; the migrants tired of fleeing and hiding from the inhumane treatment which they suffer during their journey through Mexico.

The reconstruction of the country, like that of the world, must begin with respect between everyone who lives there or even just passes by, and the responsibilities involved in living together, ensuring the application of justice, freedom and dignity.

We remind you that via the PDF version of this document you can find the links to the full articles which provide more information on the stories in this bulletin. If you need this bulletin in another language, or if you can translate it into another language, please email us! We invite you to follow us on our Facebook page, “Kolectivo Boka En Boka”.

Greetings and resistances

Kolectivo Boka en Boka

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BoCa En BoCa #29 In English



If it’s necessary, if the cause is just,
if it’s for the good of my people,
I’m ready to die,
because we’ve found no other way
of getting justice”.
Comandanta Ramona
There are many peoples who, for the cause of dignity, freedom, justice, or the needs of their community, are ready to give their life to improve the lives of their people.
As we have seen in recent months, parents, families and friends of the 43 disappeared students of the Raul Isidro Burgos School, have decided to fight for their people, to not be afraid, and to have a single goal: freedom and justice.
The members of the San Sebastian Bachajon ejido,who have been fighting for four years to defend their land and common goods, and to struggle for freedom and justice (intensively so since 21 December) – also for freedom and justice.

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Freedom and justice also for Las Abejas of Acteal, who continue to suffer repression from the government, and also continue without justice for the massacre of 1997; Freedom and justice for the members of the Tila ejido, who are defending the rights of the assembly of the ejido as their highest decision-making body; Freedom and justice for the village of Primero de Agosto, who are struggling for their rights to be respected and for a dignified life. Freedom and justice in the struggle against violence committed against women, and against migrants; Also, for the displaced people of Banavil, and for all of the members of the Indigenous National Congress, for the members of the Pueblo Creyente, in other words all those who face repression in their struggle for life.
As the compañeros of the Indigenous National Congress put it: “this cowardly aggression by the bad government shows us their fear of us, those who come from below and to the left. Those who come from our communities and villages, our cities and countries to this festival, come to be together, to listen to each other and share the ways we rebel and resist, to multiply our strength in that way, and to share our pain for those who are missing”.
We remind you that via the PDF version of this document you can find the links to the full articles which provide more information on the stories in this bulletin.
If you need this bulletin in another language, or if you are able to translate this into another language, send us an email!
We also invite you to follow us on our Facebook page: “Kolectivo BoKa En BoKa”.
Saludos and Resistencias
Kolectivo De BoKa En BoKa

BoCa En BoCa #28 In English – January 2015

“Where those from above destroy, those from below reconstruct”
First World Festival of Resistances and Rebellions against Capitalism.

We rebuild, in San Sebastian Bachajon, with the recovery of lands stolen by corrupt individuals and foreign companies looking for personal gain. In Primero de Agosto, we rebuild with the search for peace and dignity, in opposition to the imposition of authoritarian power over the people.

 In Acteal, we have spent 17 years rebuilding social peace, in the search for justice and the organisation of the people. On the coast, we rebuild a true justice, denouncing corrupt power. In Elxochitlan in Oaxaca, and in other places, the knowledge of the people is recovered and rebuilt through consensus in community assemblies. How; for what; with whom? All of this was discussed and debated when the Sexta in Mexico and Sexta International, along with the original peoples of the CNI (National Indigenous Congress) and EZLN met to hold the first World Festival of Resistances and Rebellions against Capitalism.



In this issue of BoCa En Boca, for January 2015, we share news about prisoners, including Alejandro Diaz Santiz and Esteban Gomez Jimenez, from the Sexta of San Sebastian Bachajon. We bring word also of the migrants, and those who support them as if they were their own children, and of the “72” Migrant Refuge. Also of the struggles against mining in Chiapas, of the Pueblo Creyente in its defence of the land, and its struggle for mutual respect, of the Sexta in Tila, and of the organizations OCRI-CNPA-MN, Laklumal Ixim-Norte Selva, the Frente Popular de Ixtapa Ricardo Flores Magon, and the displaced people of Banavil.We remind you that in the PDF version of this issue you can find the hyperlinks to articles, which provide further information on the summaries provided here.
If you need this bulletin in another language, or if you can help us translate it into another language, please send us an email!
We invite you to follow us on the Facebook page: “Kolectivo BoKa En BoKa”.
Greetings and resistances



Kolectivo De BoKa En BoKa



BoCa En BoCa #27 In English – December 2014

“You are not alone, sisters and brothers.
Seek your word among the families of the little boys and girls murdered in the ABC daycare nursery in Sonora; among the organizations for the disappeared in Coahuila; among the families of the innocent victims of the drug war, a war that has been lost since it began; among the families of the thousands of migrants killed and disappeared across Mexican territory.”
EZLN General Command 
In Chiapas, there were many words of solidarity from peoples, towns, neighbourhoods, and communities, for the families, friends and compas of the 43 missing and the 6 dead from Ayotzinapa. The hearts of everyone burned with the same intensity against the cruelty of the federal government and its crime. An intensity echoed even outside the borders.
In Chiapas people also struggle for justice. Justice for the massacre of Viejo Velasco (Xinich); Justice for the Acteal massacre (Las Abejas); Justice for the raped, murdered and abused women (Pueblo Creyente); Justice for the destruction done to Mother Earth (Committee for the Promotion and Defence of Life ‘Samuel Ruiz Garcia’); Justice for those who have been displaced or who organized crime seeks to displace (Xinich, Banavil, Tumbala, PUDEE); Justice for all those who are imprisoned for fighting for life (Bachajón); Justice for all migrants, for all the mothers who have lost a child on the road to hell (Caravan of Central American Mothers, La 72); Justice for Mariano Abarca Roblero; Justice for the dead from Venustiano Carranza municipality (OCEZ-RC; OCEZ- Casa del Pueblo); Justice for the people threatened, divided and harassed to benefit very few (El Porvenir, Simojovel, Tumbala, PUDEE); Justice and punishment for the intellectual authors.
“We only want to tell you not to let your word fall. Do not let it grow faint. Make it grow so that it can be heard above all of the noise and lies. Do not abandon your word, because in it walks not just the memory of your dead and disappeared, but also the rage of those who today are below so that those above can be where they are.” (EZLN)
We remind you that viewing this in PDF format will provide you with direct links to the articles, which provide more information on the news bulletins.
We invite you also to follow us on Facebook “Kolectivo BoKa En BoKa”.
If you need this bulletin in another language, or propose that it be translated into one, send us a message!
Greetings and resistances
Kolectivo De BoKa En BoKa

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BoCa En BoCa 26 English November 2014


 “Our hope for the reappearance of the compañeros is also the pain that unites us; our rage illuminates the candles that today light the way of mobilizations all over the country, raising the cry of dignity and rebellion in Mexico below.”

Each month we say the same thing, but it still needs to be said: there are no limits to injustice in Mexico. The state has disappeared 43 students from Guerrero in the most brazen manner. This is yet another crime committed by the state against students, to add to the long history of the oppression of college students in the country. The intellectual and material authors of this crime have not been punished; one month on from the disappearance, impunity reigns.

After the massacre of Aguas Blanca, and of Acteal, has anything changed? Have we learned anything from these atrocities? Or, what is it that we’ve forgotten, than allows them to be repeated? The return of the PRI to power has revived memories:
Such as those of the compañeros from Banavil, who get a reminder of how Mexico offers freedom to those it kills. Or the criminalization of those who take part in social struggles, now a classic phenomenon in Chiapas, as Pueblo Creyente members inSimojovel or the compañeros from the Tila Ejido can confirm.
In this issue, we remember 1974, the year in which the Indigenous Congress took place, where representatives of a range of communities met. Through the organizing work of the Diocese of San Cristobal de Las Casas and [Bishop] Samuel Ruiz, they were able to develop a shared consciousness of oppression and of their own strength as indigenous people.
Further to the north, we remember the Yaqui prisoners, who remain in prison even while national and international pressure comes to bear on the mega projects that threaten their territory. Or the toll highway that will despoil the lands of the Otomi people in Xochicuautla. And in Chiapas, communities continue to organize themselves against the San Cristobal-Palenque motorway, as is happening this month in the Los Llanos ejido.
We remind you that viewing this in PDF format will provide you with direct links to the articles, which provide more information on the news bulletins.
We invite you also to follow us on Facebook “Kolectivo BoKa En BoKa”.
If you need this bulletin in another language, or propose that it be translated into one, send us a message!
Greetings and resistances
Kolectivo De BoKa En BoKa



BoCa En BoCa #25 English October 2014

“They have not been able to destroy our communities.
Because, like seeds, they continue to grow.
They wanted to kill us with guns,
but they weren’t able to. They tried to kill us with diseases,
but again they failed.
The powerful ones have tried so many ways to finish us off, the indigenous peoples.
Today, they want to kill us with windfarms, with motorways,
with dams, with airports, with drug trafficking.
Today it hurts us that, above all, they want to kill us in Sonora, with aqueducts.

The promoters of death continue to act with impunity. There are those who struggle for life, and those who profit from life. As said by the mother of Tatiana Trujillo who was murdered by an ex federal deputy from the PRI: “if you are a politician from the governing party, you can take someone’s life, whoever you want, whenever you want, and you’ll hardly serve time in prison. They send another message: this will happen again, corruption hangs around like a curse”.

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This month, Boca en Boca spreads the word of the Chiapan peoples who are struggling against the death projects, the megaprojects, which take many forms, as well as against the privatization of land, energy, and water, the assets stolen from the same peoples. From San Sebastian Bachajon, with its famous Agua Azul waterfalls, to Tila, in the northern zone; and so to the Chiapas coast; to Tuxtla, to Acteal and other parts of the Highlands, and to many other ejidos, villages of the state, and on to the Indigenous National Congress, which represents all the peoples of the Mexican nation. And to places further afield, as with the current events in the south of France, where the Testet dam is being imposed.
But in Chiapas a single voice raises itself again and again, in unanimity, rejecting the San Cristobal to Palenque motorway.We remind you that in the PDF version you can access the links to other articles in order to get more information on the communiqués.
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We also invite you to follow us on our Facebook page, “Kolectivo BoKa En BoKa”.If you need to read this bulletin in another language, or want to suggest that we translate it into another one, send us an email!
Greetings and resistances
Kolectivo De BoKa En BoKa –
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BoCa En BoCa 24 English September 2014

The earth is that from which we were born, that gave us life, and in which we will rest eternally. That is why we are all the colours that we are, all of the languages that our hearts speak; that is why we are peoples, tribes, and nations. We are the guardians of these lands, of this country Mexico, of this continent and of the world.”
(EZLN, August 2014)
Compañeras, compañeros, compañeroas,
The struggles against social and territorial control, and for the maintenance of what sustains us as living beings, take their right course when people show solidarity and unity, as demonstrated by the caravan for Maya Q’eqchi’ people in Guatemala,and by the coordination between their villages when the oppressive government feeds impunity sending death for their own profit. Or as in theZapatista Reality when what enables autonomy, a good life, a school, a clinic, was destroyed, the people came together and continued building.
If one falls, more will rise, if what has been built is destroyed, it will be built again.
These are the most beautiful lessons of humanity and brotherhood among peoples facing such darkness. A darkness which monopolizes everything, as PUDEE denounces, one which marginalizes women, the backbone of humanity, and entire ethnic groups, in order to have everything in a few hands. It generates death, promoting a world of nightmares, as it is for the thousands of displaced families across the country, as it is in the barbarity endured by the autonomous communities of Egipto and El Rosario, as it is in the pain of the families of Banavil, as it is in the disproportionate numbers of migrants, as it has been on numerous occasions and as it still is.
To avoid falling into the hands of these dehumanized governments, the communities of Nuevo Tila, of the Lacandon Gap, the families of Bachajon, the Civil Society Las Abejas, members of the Pueblo Creyente, all the peoples represented by the National Indigenous Congress (CNI), continue to defend their territories and natural resources, sometimes at the cost of death, imprisonment and suffering.
Working the Earth, and dying for her. Spreading the true word, from a good education system to celebrations and sharing. Seeking control of our own life through health to keep fighting.
For this reason a school, for this reason a clinic, because these are essential steps for a true autonomy, for a real strengthening of these struggles and for their further developments over time.
We remind you that, in the pdf format, you can access the article links directly if you want more information about the communiques. Meanwhile, if you need the magazine in a different language or are able to propose a translation, please send us an email.
You can also follow us on Facebook at “Kolectivo BoKa En BoKa”.
Greetings and Resistances
Kolectivo De BoKa En BoKa

BoCa en BoCa No 23  August 2014


beb23inglogo (1)


What matters is not who we are, but what we do.
The struggles for peace and freedom – whatever the location or time – have never had borders. In Chiapas, where people continue to suffer from imposition, conflict, war, and numerous other injustices, valuable people with different faces keep standing up to make their voices heard. They are determined, in the name of their ancestors and their descendants yet to come, to gain the recognition and freedom they deserve.
In edition 23 of the BoCa En BoCa magazine, we continue to support all of those who have marched, spoken, and organised with the aim of defending Life and resisting imposed death.
This month, the majority of the Believing People (or Pueblo Creyente), along with representatives from the different parishes of the San Cristóbal diocese, marched against brothels and the sale of drugs and alcohol – just as Father Marcelo had previously done in the parish of Simojovel. The group also denounced the megaprojects imposed on their communities (such as the San Cristóbal-Palenque motorway) and the various forms of corruption, oppression, and death present in the State.
And it is in this climate of a counterinsurgency war (which has seen displacement, massacres, the promotion of internal conflicts for external interests, and the destruction of communities and forms of organisation) that numerous groups have raised their voices, including: the Xinich organisation; the families of Banavil and Viejo Velasco; the Abejas de Acteal; and communities like Mitzitón and San Francisco (among others) which are adherents to the Sixth Declaration.
We also remember the people on the coast who have also been suffering repression, imprisonment, and violation of their freedoms and rights. A special mention goes out to the Digna Ochoa Centre for Human Rights, the Autonomous Council of the Coastal Area(Consejo Autónomo de la Zona Costa), and the thousands of migrants and the activists who defend them.
But death, “low intensity” war, displacements, and the imposition of megaprojects are not unique to Mexico. The can be seen across the globe and, in the month of July 2014, two cases in particular came to the fore: first with Brazil’s World Cup, and then with the thousands of civilian deaths and injuries in Palestine. The Gazan martyrs are just further examples of the corruption and repression rife in the world today. In many countries, though, this intolerable situation has led people to demand Freedom and Justice for the People of PalestineIn this month’s magazine, we represent the world in all its variety through texts of Mumia Abu-Jamal and SCI Marcos, which give us hope that people will continue to stand up against injustice.
We also remind you that, in the pdf format, you can access the article links directly if you want more information about the communiques, and that you can also follow us on Facebook at “Kolectivo BoKa En BoKa”. Meanwhile, if you need the magazine in a different language or are able to propose such a translation, please send us an email.
Greetings and Resistances
Kolectivo De BoKa En BoKa
Translated by the UK Zapatista Translation Service and Dorset Chiapas Solidarity for Kolectivo BoKa En BoKa


BoCa En BoCa 22 English



Faced with the World Cup mania that is invading our spaces, in Chiapas, as in Brazil, priests, women and communities go on writing history through actions and practices of freedom.  We continue to make these actors visible in this issue no. 22 of the magazine BoCa en BoCa for the month of July.

Like the parish of Simojovel, that of Huíxtla is suffering threats for the social work given in faith to the most oppressed, and against legitimized corruption.


The adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandón Jungle in Tila are speaking out against the plunder and for the defence of their territory, valuing more and more what the history of Mexico brought, the ejido and communal lands, like San Salvador Atenco, State of Mexico.

As in these and other communities, women’s organisations are also taking steps in defence of Mother Earth and their rights to land tenure.

This looting of natural resources is also reaching urban areas, where the awareness of citizens is leading to assemblies and organisational forms, as in San Cristobal de Las Casas and Tuxtla, creating resistance to privatisation, such as the privatisation of Water.


We cannot omit a mention for the people of Brazil, carrying on a huge battle against the tanks of multinational companies for more than 3 years, recalling that the nightmare could start all over again with the arrival of the 2016 Olympic business.

But there is still resistance. And one of the most important inspirations of autonomy, the Zapatista men and women, continue to teach us that the fight to defend our freedoms and for life must continue to build, and never lose heart, because this is the work of anyone who has faith in freedom.

Remember that through the pdf format you can have direct access to the links in the articles, to get more information on the communiqués.

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If you need the magazine in another language, or can offer to translate it into any language please email us!

We invite you to follow us on the Facebook page, “Kolectivo BoKa en BoKa “.

Greetings and Resistances

Kolectivo Boka En Boka



BoCa en BoCa . 21 English May 2014


Greetings to everyone,

After a while of not bringing out BoCa en Boca, we’re back!

This isn’t an accident.

Facing the wave of violence that is touching the lives of everyone in Chiapas, and in light of the recent assassination of our Zapatista compañero Galeano and the attacks by paramilitaries on the Zapatista Council of Good Government at La Realidad, we’ve decided to come together and put aside our differences in order to spread the news of the organized communities in Chiapas.

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We ask you to forgive our months away, and hope that you re-discover this bulletin just as it was left.What we have here are fragments and extracts from communiques – we have not added our own analysis. What you get is the voice of the communities.In Issue 21, we highlight a new step by the government to steal the land of compañer@s in Atenco. Also:
– The communique issued by the Council of Good Government at La Realidad, relating the attack by paramilitaries from the CIOAC-H group.
– The members of the San Sebastián Bachajón ejido, who give thanks for the solidarity shown following the assassination of Juan Vázquez Guzmán.
– A summary of communiqués issued by Citizens United for Nature, Life and Peace, from the barrio of Cuxtitalí in San Cristobal de Las Casas.We also describe in this issue the march by hundreds of migrants and human rights defenders, where many were arrested by the police.To finish up, we have included the last three communiques from Subcomandante Marcos.
And more…We ask you to support us by distributing BoCa En BoCa.We also remind you that in the PDF version you can directly access links with more information from the communiques.If you need this bulletin in another language, or if you are able to translate it into another language, please email us!
Please follow us on Facebook: “Kolectivo BoKa En BoKa”.
Greetings and resistance!Kolectivo De BoKa En BoKa

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